What is SWOT analysis in the call center

What is SWOT analysis in the call center

Nowadays competition in the market is at its peak. Hence it becomes imperative for every business or organization to conduct an analysis in order to determine the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and other areas of improvement for their business and organization.

Needless to say that identifying strengths and weaknesses can be an easy task for any organization but figuring out opportunities and threats can be a hard nut to crack. Although there are multiple ways by which any organization can identify its strength or weakness but SWOT analysis is widely accepted analysis around the globe.

SWOT analysis is the abbreviation for Strength Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat which not only focuses on strengths and weaknesses rather also the opportunities and improvement areas and gives a 360-degree picture of the organization

What is SWOT analysis in the call center
What is SWOT analysis in the call center

What is SWOT analysis in the call center

Call centers have also started performing SWOT analysis not only for the organization but also for the employees so that required action can be taken on loopholes.

Let's understand SWOT analysis in detail

We need to focus on 4 components when we conduct the SWOT analysis

1. Strength : 

In the customer service industry a call center's strength can be measured on the below parameters:

  • How good organization's relationship with clients or how well do stakeholders manage to build the relationship with the client
  • Current running projects seat capacity and what are the future prospects of increasing seat capacity (FTEs) count
  • Market credibility of a BPO for new processes.
  • Historical good credit of  ROI (return on investment)
  • Expansion in Global Presence
In the case of the employee below parameters can be considered to define his/her strength"
  • Tenure of employee also determines the loyalty of the employee
  • His performance throughout his tenure 
  • Any specific trait an employee is excelled in 
  • The eagerness of growing and learning new skills

2. Weakness :

An organization's weakness can be measured on the below pointers :
  • Micromanagement of employees
  • High dependency on  selected employees
  • Limited growth in a few of the projects and markets
  • Less presence in the country
  • Policies that can increase DSAT amongst employees

3. Opportunities:

  • Invest in the Learning and Development of employees
  • Invest in programmes to retain old talent.
  • To Develop existing customer and client base
  • To innovate and associate with the latest and emerging technology i.e cloud computing

4. Threat:

  • High Attrition of tenured employee
  • Decreasing revenue growth
  • Poaching of talent by other  organization 
  • Employee dissatisfaction related to salary,policies, or any other concern

The other use of SWOT analysis is to compare business strategy with the competitor .SWOT analysis also sometimes known as "Situational assessment"

I hope this article has helped you in understanding SWOT analysis in details. Let me know how did you like the article in the comment box.

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